We will provide You with a refund on any unused booking if You are unable to attend the booked event due to any of the circumstances set out in this document for which You have made a request for a refund and have provided the information required to support Your request, as set out in the table below.
This is not an insurance policy. Refund Protection is an optional extension to Our standard Terms & Conditions of sale and trade, and it provides a right to a refund in certain defined circumstances outlined in the table below.
Your refund application and payment will be handled in our name by Refund Protect who act as the administrator of the Refund Protection extension provided by us.
The following words or phrases have the meaning shown below wherever they appear in bold in this document. The aim of this section is to clearly define the terms used in the “What we will refund?” and “What will we not refund?” sections of this document.
We/Us/Our – We are the booking agent with whom you made the booking.
You/Your/Yourself – A person who has made a booking alone or as part of a group with us.
Adverse Weather – Weather which is severe or dangerous enough for a Government Agency to have issued warnings not to travel and which entirely prevents You from attending or reaching the Booked Event
Armed Forces – Any Branch of one of the following services: Naval Service, Marines, Army or Air Force.
Booking/Booked Event – The pre-planned and pre-booked service(s)/event(s)/ticket(s) including booking and service fees transacted with Us by You
Communicable Disease – means any disease capable of being transmitted from an infected person or species to a susceptible host, either directly or indirectly.
Doctor – A qualified medical practitioner registered and licensed with a recognised professional body. A doctor cannot be you or a member of your immediate family.
Emergency Circumstances – An unforeseen circumstance completely outside Your control and of no fault of Yours.
Emergency Services – The Police, Fire and Rescue Service or other Emergency Services.
Illness – A physical or mental condition confirmed by a Doctor that prevents You from attending the Booked Event.
Immediate family – Your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather.
Injury – An accidental bodily injury confirmed by a Doctor that prevents You from attending the Booked Event.
Normal Pregnancy – Symptoms which normally accompany pregnancy (including multiple pregnancy) and which are generally of a minor and/or temporary nature (e.g. morning sickness, fatigue etc.) which do not represent a medical hazard to mother or baby.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition – An injury or illness that you were aware of at the time You made the booking.
Pregnancy Complication – A complication of pregnancy other than Normal Pregnancy which You were unaware of at the time of the Booking and which results in You being unable to use, participate in or attend at the Booked Event.
Paying Party – any organisation or body who has a legal liability to pay compensation for the failure of the service against whom you have a right of redress under the terms of carriage.
Refund Protect – A trading style of Event Protect Limited who act for Us as administrator of all refund applications made by our Booking Holders under our Refund Protection terms.
What We will refund? | What will We not refund? | Evidence required |
Illness / Injury
means an, Illness or accidental Injury to You or a member of Your Immediate Family. We will also refund the cost of the Doctor’s note on valid Refund Application. |
Pre-existing Medical Condition
means a pre-existing medical condition that You were aware of at the time You made the Booking that would not normally preclude You from participation and use of the Booking. |
Pregnancy Complication
means a complication of pregnancy You were unaware of at the time of the Booking and which results in You being unable to use, participate in or attend at the Booked Event. |
means Your death any time prior to the Booked Event or the death of an Immediate Family member or any person(s) in the Group due to attend the event with you, up to 4 weeks prior to the date of the Booked Event. |
Public Transport Failure
means Unexpected disruption or failure of the public transport network which You could not have reasonably been aware of before the date of the Booked Event. |
Scheduled Airline Failure
means the cancellation of flight(s) which You were unaware of before the date of the Booked Event. |
Mechanical Breakdown
means in the 24 hours prior to the Booked Event, the mechanical breakdown, accident, fire or theft of a vehicle taking You to the Booked Event. |
Jury Service
means a summons for You to attend Jury Service which takes place over the date of the Booked Event of which You were unaware at the time of making the Booking. |
Court Summons
means You are summoned to appear as a witness in court proceedings on the day of the Booked Event of which You were unaware of the time of making the Booking. |
Home Emergency
means a Burglary, Fire, Malicious Damage or Flood at Your private residence up to 48 hours immediately before the Booked Event. |
Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall
means You as a member of the Armed Forces, Reserve Armed Forces or Emergency Services are recalled to work or duty on the date of the Booked Event or are posted overseas and as a result cannot attend the Booked Event. |
Adverse Weather
means weather where a Government Agency has issued warnings not to travel which entirely prevents You attending or reaching the Booked Event. |
Relocated for Work
Means a requirement to move address imposed on You by Your employer, unknown to You at the date of Booking. The move may be temporary or permanent and must be more than 100 miles from Your home address at the date of Booking. |
Theft of Ticket(s)
means the theft of a physical ticket for the Booked Event in 24 hours before the Booked Event which cannot be replaced by the ticketing company/event organiser. |
Government Travel Ban
means the government of Your country of residence issuing a public travel ban to the country or area where the Booked Event is scheduled to take place in the preceding 7 days before the Event |
means You are unexpectedly made compulsorily redundant by Your employer. |
Changes to Examination Dates
means the unforeseen change of the date of an examination for a course on which You are registered to the day(s) of the Booked Event. |
Emergency Circumstances
means an unforeseen circumstance completely outside Your control and of no fault of Yours. The decision to refund is entirely at the discretion of Refund Protect as our administrator. They will consider these circumstances and have no obligation whatsoever to provide a refund. |
General Conditions of Refund
- You must make all necessary arrangements to arrive at the event on time.
- You must not be aware of any fact, matter or circumstance, at the time Booking Refund Protection is selected, which may give rise to a refund request.
- You must take all reasonable precautions to prevent or reduce any request for a refund.
- Unless We agree otherwise: i) the language of this document and all communications relating to it will be English; and ii) all aspects of the contract, including negotiation and performance, are subject to English law and the jurisdiction of the English courts.
- You will be asked to provide at Your own expense the supporting proofs stated against the reason for refund shown in the table above.
Requesting a Refund – You must log into https://refunds.refundprotect.co and fill in and submit the Refund Application Form as soon as possible after becoming aware of circumstances that may lead You to request a refund but no more than 60 days after the Booked Event.
IMPORTANT Any translation of this document from English is for assistance and information only. In event of a Refund Application the English language version shall be the basis of settlement. You can view this online here www.refundprotect.co/member-wording or request a copy from us at anytime. |